To order our products, we need to receive from our customer:
(i) a Purchase Order (PO) including Catalog Number of the ordered item(s); (ii) detailed shipping address of your business, including recipient's name and telephone number; (iii) billing address; (iv) information about payment method that will be used to complete purchase.
Please note: Chemdea
will not send any shipments to a personal address.
Please fax or
e-mail the PO to our office. The products usually ship within 24h from
receiving your order. The standard FedEx delivery charge within USA is $15.
The charge for international shipments is $39 (FedEx). The shipping charges can be waived if you provide your FedEx account number.
Chemdea accepts payments by wire transfer, check or by credit card up to maximum
of 45 days net. For credit card orders we need your CC number, expiry date, CCV code, name on the card, street address and
a zip code.
If for any reason, you are not happy with your product, please let us know as soon as possible, and return it within 14 days of delivery for a replacement or full refund.
The samples are offered for Laboratory Analytical/Research purposes only. We only sell to research institutions.